Student loans can be a significant financial burden for borrowers. Many people wonder about the possibility of forgiveness after 10 years. Specific programs and conditions determine if you are eligible for student loan forgiveness. Public service loan forgiveness...
Student Loan Debt
The growing dilemma of student loan debt for older Americans
In July 2023, Americans with student loan debts received an email stating eligibility to have their student loan(s) forgiven. Most recipients were skeptical. While the subject line was promising, the Supreme Court had just rejected the Biden Administration's ambitious...
Bankruptcy may offer relief from overwhelming student loan debt
Since 2020, at least 40 million federal student loan borrowers had their monthly payments paused. As reported by the Associated Press, with payments now set to resume, the U.S. Department of Education anticipates a historic number of borrowers not having the means to...
Congress to vote on student loan bankruptcy relief
Maryland residents who are struggling to make ends meet due to overwhelming student loan debt currently have few options, but their situations could soon change if a bill introduced recently in both the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate garners enough support...